At-Home Lesson#6

Part 2. Together We Are Strong: THE CHURCH'S SOCIAL MISSION

Topic 3: New Media [1]

Behind DOCAT

When is the last time you went an entire day—a whole 24 hours—without being exposed to any kind of media? No TV or movies, no Internet, no social networking sites, no computer games. Can you remember? What was it like?

We rely very heavily on new media. We use it for education and communication as well as for entertainment. This technology has enormous potential for good, but we must be mindful of how we use it. New media makes an excellent servant but a poor master.


Read the content under DOCAT# 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46 (numbers in blue circle) from DOCAT p.46~p.53. [2]

What Does DOCAT Say?

Answer the above questions [Click Here]

What Does the Bible Say?

Answer the above questions [Click Here]

DO Reflect

The new media is an amazing and effective tool, providing an unprecedented opportunity for communication and collaboration. But, like any powerful tool, media comes with risks if not used responsibly. New media—and particularly social media—allows for the creation of communities with practically no borders or limits. However, this type of communication can actually weaken interpersonal connections if used indiscriminately. We can communicate with anyone in the world instantaneously, but we can also hide behind our screens and forget that there is a real person deserving of our love and respect on the other end. Uncharitable words that may seem too harsh to speak in person flow easily over the Internet. And in a world of memes and sound bites, it can be difficult to preserve true, respectful dialogue.

Answer the above reflection questions [Click Here]

DO Chat

        Answer the above questions [Click Here]

DO Challenge

Remember:    Every time you use social media this week, remind yourself of your responsibility to God and to neighbor. Before you comment on or post anything, ask yourself if doing so serves both truth and charity.

Share:    Using whichever form of media you prefer, share something that contributes to the common good—an uplifting quote, a Bible verse, a positive story, etc.

References / Citations

[1] DOCAT Study Guide. San Francisco, Calif: Ignatius Press, 2016.

[2] DOCAT: What to do? The Social Teaching of the Catholic Church. San Francisco, Calif: Ignatius Press, 2016.

[3] BibleGateway (online bible).