At-Home Lesson#8

The Church

Topic 4: You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have [1]


Advertisers are always making promises, but can they really deliver? Buy the car, and you’ll get the girl. Eat at this fast-food place, and you’ll be surrounded by smiling, laughing friends, never alone again. Happiness, satisfaction, love, an end to loneliness—there is nothing on earth that can give you these things, except the Church. And the reason the Church can give you these is because the Church exists to give you Jesus, the fulfillment of all our desires.

“Even today the Church gives me Jesus. That says it all”, said Jesuit Henri Cardinal de Lubac. The Church, by God’s grace, bridges all that threatens to separate us from really knowing Jesus. Time and space are no obstacle. Trials and sorrows cannot keep us away. Even sin and death are overcome. In the Church, we hear Jesus speak, receive his forgiveness, are fed by him in the Eucharist. We are freely given a share in the life of Christ so that we, in turn, can go out and give freely what we have received.


Read the content under YOUCAT# 343, 344, and 347 (numbers in yellow circle) from YOUCAT p.190~p.191. [2]

What Does YOUCAT Say?

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YOU Reflect

Henri Cardinal de Lubac asks, “What would I know about [Jesus], what connection would there be between him and me without the Church?”1 It is only the Church that can give us Jesus. We, in turn, as faithful members of the Church, are privileged to give Jesus to everyone we meet.

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What Does the Bible Say?

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YOU Chat

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YOU Challenge


Learn and live the Five Precepts of the Church.


Intercede this week for Catholics who have stopped living their faith; pray they come home to the family of God.

References / Citations

[1] Brumley, Mark, Kersting, Jack, and George, Paul . YOUCAT Study Guide. San Francisco, Calif: Ignatius Press, 2013, pp. 55-56.

[2] Miller, Michael J, and Benedict. Youcat English: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church. San Francisco, Calif: Ignatius Press, 2011.

[3] BibleGateway (online bible).