At-Home Lesson#2

How to Pray: The Gift of God's Presence

Topic 2: YES! [1]


Long before they learn to say Yes, toddlers often know how to say No. If you don’t think this is so, spend time with one-, two-, or even three-year-olds and count the number of times they say No. Of course, “No” is not all bad. In fact, there are plenty of things in the world to which our best and safest response would be a resounding “NO!” But that never applies to God. As Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother, teaches us, when it comes to God, we should always have the prayerful attitude of “YES!” She teaches us, in her last recorded words in the Gospel, to do whatever her Son tells us to do (Jn 2:5), which is always to say Yes in word and deed to the will of God the Father.


Read the content under YOUCAT# 479~481, 483, and 485~488 (numbers in yellow circle) from YOUCAT p.263~p.269. [2]

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YOU Reflect

How’s your prayer life? That’s a question you may never have been asked in your entire life, but it’s also a question we can’t be afraid to ask our Catholic and Christian friends. In fact, if you find a friend who is bold enough to ask you that question and help you stay on track in a life of daily prayer, well, then you have found a friend indeed.

Prayer does not come naturally to us fallen human beings. Adam used to “walk in the Garden with God” (see Gen 3:8). That’s the biblical analogy used to say that Adam naturally and easily conversed with God. But one of the first and most devastating losses caused by the sin of Adam is that prayer does not come naturally; it’s a struggle, a battle, a work that requires the grace of God and a humble heart, willing to persevere. And we need our Christian friends to encourage us to stay the course, and we, in turn, need to encourage them. So, how’s your prayer life?

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What Does the Bible Say?

YOU Chat

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YOU Challenge


Recite the Rosary today with your family or with a friend..


Turn to Mary, our Mother, each day, and ask her to teach you how to pray as she does.


Learn the Mysteries of the Rosary..

References / Citations

[1] Brumley, Mark, Kersting, Jack, and George, Paul . YOUCAT Study Guide. San Francisco, Calif: Ignatius Press, 2013, pp. 69-70.

[2] Miller, Michael J, and Benedict. Youcat English: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church. San Francisco, Calif: Ignatius Press, 2011.

[3] BibleGateway (online bible).