At-Home Lesson#6

The Lord's Prayer: The Our Father

Topic 6: I Need [1]


Do you remember the movie What About Bob? If you’ve never seen it, it’s hilarious. In one unforgettable scene Bob Wiley follows his therapist Leo Marvin to New Hampshire, where Dr. Marvin and his family are on vacation, and in the middle of the resort village street Bob begs the good doctor to see him: “I need, I need, I need, gimme, gimme, gimme!!!” Fortunately, there’s no need for us to beg the divine physician. He knows our needs. But he does want us to ask for what we need—not for his sake but for ours. And he has even taught us how to ask.


Read the content under YOUCAT# 514, and 522~527 (numbers in yellow circle) from YOUCAT p.281~p.287. [2]

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YOU Reflect

When something seems so right, so perfect, people often shout, “Yes!” “Amen!” means “Yes!” or “So be it!” It makes sense that we would say “Amen!” to conclude our prayer. It’s a way of making a firm commitment to the truth of what we have just prayed. In a way, our whole life should be a prayer—a gift given to God. At the end of life, we want to have lived in such a way as to be able to say “Amen!” to all that has happened. We want to have confident hope in God and our destiny with him.

Try to remember the best day of your life. Picture it. Relive it in your memory. Now multiply the joy infinitely and the time eternally. That’s the life our Father has prepared for us. Amen!

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YOU Chat

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YOU Challenge

Think and Forgive:

Each day take five minutes to think of those you have hurt and ask God to forgive you, and think of those who have hurt you and, no matter how you feel about them, choose to forgive them and ask God to bring his good into their lives.


Attend Holy Mass on Sunday, and as you pray with all the congregation the Our Father, think of our family unity with all gathered there and all our brothers and sisters everywhere in the world, in purgatory, and in heaven.

References / Citations

[1] Brumley, Mark, Kersting, Jack, and George, Paul . YOUCAT Study Guide. San Francisco, Calif: Ignatius Press, 2013, pp. 77-78.

[2] Miller, Michael J, and Benedict. Youcat English: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church. San Francisco, Calif: Ignatius Press, 2011.

[3] BibleGateway (online bible).